plant based holiday dinner |mac & cheese, dressing, collard greens, gravy| Thanksgiving & Christimas
Welcome back to a new video! I hope you enjoy this holiday dinner-focused video and that it inspires you to cook for yourself, your friends, or your family! From my vegan mac and cheese, dressing, collard greens, to my fried oyster mushrooms, everything was so delicious. Here’s a discount on the cookware I use: https://bit.ly/3FZzAJn Digital cookbook: https://bit.ly/47j5egV For the dressing, I loosely followed this recipe and made replacements or omitted ingredients as I saw fit: https://divascancook.com/homemade-sou... 00:00 Intro 01:59 collard greens 03:47 garlicky green beans 04:45 cornbread dressing (including cream of mushroom details) 07:52 candied yams 09:03 mac and cheese 12:33 fried oyster mushrooms 14:07 gravy 2021 Thanksgiving video • Vegan Thanksgiving and Christmas Reci... 2021 Christmas Dinner video • vegan christmas dinner | MORE VIDEOS: Plant-based dessert ideas + what I eat in a week - https://bit.ly/3zaXnmk Plant-based dinner ideas http://bit.ly/3sqinSp Plant-based breakfast ideas http://bit.ly/3FcEUtn, https://bit.ly/3Svd3aP, http://bit.ly/3TPFiCq More what I eat in a week videos https://bit.ly/3QE6vGJ My grocery hauls http://bit.ly/3TUmz8S Vegan eats while traveling http://bit.ly/3SCjHMt