오르간 새찬송가 반주- 88장. 내 진정 사모하는 (통88)

오르간 새찬송가 반주- 88장. 내 진정 사모하는 (통88)

I have founds a friend in Jesus. 1.I have found a friend in Je-sus, He's ev-ery-thing to me, He's the fair-est of ten thou-sand to my soul; The Lil-y of the Val-ley, in Him a-lone I see All I need to cleanse and make me ful-ly whole. In sor-row He's my com-fort in troub-le He's my stay, He tells me ev-'ry care on Him to roll. He's the Lil-y of the Val-ley, the bright and Morn-ing Star, He's the fair-est of ten thou-sand to my soul. 2.He all my grief has tak-en, and all my sor-rows borne; In temp-ta-tion He's my strong and might-y tower; I have all for Him for-sak-en, and all my i-dols torn From my heart, and now He keeps my by His power. Though all the world for-sake me, and Sa-tan tempts me sore, Through Je-sus I shall safe-ly reach the goal; He's the Lil-y of the Val-ley, the bright and Morn-ing Star, He's the fair-est of ten thou-sand to my soul. 3.He will nev-er, nev-er leave me, nor yet for-sake me here, While I live by faith and do His bless-ed will; A wall of fire a-bout me, I've noth-ing now to fear, With His man-na He my hun-gry soul shall fill. Then sweep-ing up to glo-ry to see His bless-ed face, Where riv-ers of de-light shall ev-er roll! He's the Lil-y of the Val-ley, the bright and Morn-ing Star, He's the fair-est of ten thou-sand to my soul. A-men. This Hymn is Performed by YooniqueMusic. #immanuelpiano #오르간찬송가반주88장 #임마누엘피아노 #찬송가반주 #오르간찬송가반주 ​#EveryDailyComposer #찬송88장 #예배반주 #가정예배반주자 #내진정사모하는 #friendinjesus