Showbiz Korea - ACTRESS PARK HYO-JOO 배우 박효주
New Comers ACTRESS PARK HYO-JOO Actress Park Hyo-joo is a scene stealer who is adding spice to the productions with her realistic acting on both the big and the small screens She starred in the drama "Chosun Police" as a female police officer and acted as a passionate detective in the movie "The Chaser" She can show intense acting and also be a lovable and provocative lady These days, she is very active and showing diverse acting in many outlets of the entertainment industry She debuted as a magazine model and built up her acting career for the past decade Learn more about the talented actress Park Hyo-joo and check out her past, her present, and her future on today′s Newcomers New Comers 배우 박효주 안방극장과 스크린을 넘나들며 감칠맛 나는 연기로 극의 재미를 더해주는 씬 스틸러, 박효주! 드라마 <별순검>의 다모부터 영화 <추격자>의 열혈 형사에 이르는 강렬한 연기부터, 때론 사랑스럽고 요염한 여인의 모습까지! 늘 신인같은 자세로 매 작품 새로운 도전을 아끼지 않고, 폭넓은 연기를 보여주며 활발한 활동중인 그녀! 잡지 모델로 데뷔 해 연기경력 10여년의 배우가 되기까지 박효주가 직접 들려주는 그녀의 히스토리! 지금 시작합니다~