The Fox and The Stork Story l Kids Story l Kavya TV Kids Education
The Fox and The Stork Story l Kids Story l Kavya TV Kids Education the story: A selfish fox once invited a stork to dinner at his home in a hollow tree. That evening, the stork flew to the fox’s home and knocked on the door with her long beak. The fox opened the door and said, “Please come in and share my food.” The stork was invited to sit down at the table. She was very hungry and the food smelled delicious! The fox served soup in shallow bowls and he licked up all his soup very quickly. However, the stork could not have any of it as the bowl was too shallow for her long beak. The poor stork just smiled politely and stayed hungry. The selfish fox asked, “Stork, why haven’t you taken your soup? Don’t you like it?” The stork replied, “It was very kind of you to invite me for dinner. Tomorrow evening, please join me for dinner at my home.” The next day, when the fox arrived at the stork’s home, he saw that they were also having soup for dinner. This time the soup was served in tall jugs. The stork drank the soup easily but the fox could not reach inside the tall jug. This time it was his turn to go hungry. Moral of the story: A selfish act can backfire on you. #the_fox_and_the_stork the fox and the stork story, fox and stork story in english, the fox and the stork story in english, fox and stork, fox and the stork, the stork and the fox story, the fox and the stork moral story, stork and fox story, story for kids, story, the stork and the fox story for children, kids story, the cunning fox and the clever stork, bedtime story, moral story, fox and story moral story, the stork and the fox, the fox and the stork fable Thanks For Watching. Amazing learning and educational games for children of all ages. Fun and educational games for toddlers to help teach colors, shapes, coordination, motor skills, memory, and more! Learning is easy and fun with this collection of free games for kids. Have you ever wanted to teach your toddler, kindergarten, or preschool-aged child things like number recognition, logic, shape identification, counting, or the alphabet? Kids learn better when there's play involved, and this collection of free games for kids is the perfect place to start. It's filled with pre-K activities, mini educational games for toddlers, brain games for kids, and so much more! Give your child's education a boost with 25+ curated activities taken straight from the Montessori method of teaching. It's learning through non-traditional methods, proven to be fun and effective over decades of successful tests. Also watch - • Kids Games | For Toddlers 3-5 l Kavy...