Disappointing honestly...| Plus Updates
Btw I'm not hating on the game, just the state of the games optimization and performance. -------------------------------------- Music 🎶 Akuma stage: killing moon • Akuma's Theme - Killing Moon [SF III.3] Mii editor: • Mii Editor - Mii Maker (Wii U) Music Virbank City Pokemon Black 2 & White 2: • Virbank City - Pokemon Black 2 & Whit... Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambience [Restored]: • Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambienc... -------------------------------------- Make sure to check out these links! 𓆏 Twitch: / notyourcommonjoe Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@merp113?_t=8k... #gaming #youtube #monsterhunter #update