7PM, 12/9/24 St. Mary of the Mount - Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary ASL interpreted.
Mary Queen of Peace is a Roman Catholic parish located in the South Side and Mt. Washington neighborhoods of Pittsburgh, PA. Masses and other videos are streamed from the church buildings of Saint Adalbert and Saint Mary of the Mount. Permission to reprint, podcast and/or stream the music in this service is obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-723939. All rights reserved. Our parish's mission statement: "We will live a life committed to our Community Covenant, to Pray, Invite, Serve, Nurture, Go Forth and fully Embrace our call to discipleship." Our parish website: https://www.maryqueenofpeacepgh.org/ To financially support the church's work, please follow this link: www.membership.faithdirect.net/pa583 Thanks for praying with us! Visit us in person when you can!