What I Wish I Knew Before Visiting Nassau on a Cruise

What I Wish I Knew Before Visiting Nassau on a Cruise

Nassau in The Bahamas is one of the busiest cruise destinations on the planet with literally millions of passenger visiting each year. Having visited quite a few times, I've gotten a pretty good feel for Nassau and what to expect. So what do I wish I knew if I was a first-time visitor? I'll let you know right now. Are you visiting Nassau on a cruise? Here are a few articles that should help you out: Map: How to Get to the Free Beach in Nassau (Cabbage Beach): https://www.cruzely.com/guide-map-get... Nassau: How to Make the Most of 8 Hours in Port on a Cruise: https://www.cruzely.com/nassau-how-to... 30 Fun Things for Cruise Passengers to Do in Nassau: https://www.cruzely.com/30-things-cru... #cruise #travel