Buckle Up for Safety: A Fun Drive Ahead! | Fun Baby Songs | Classic Baby Songs
Buckle up! Let's go on a safe drive! The Little Baby Bum family help teach kids to put on their seat belts to be safe whilst riding in a car! 🔴Subscribe for new songs featuring classic nursery rhymes and original tracks! ► / @littlebabybumclassics Follows the musical adventures of Mia, Twinkle the Star and Baby Max. Everyday moments like bath time, getting dressed, or playing peekaboo become even more fun with new and classic nursery rhymes. ⭐️Lyrics: Little Baby Bum! LITTLE BABY BUM Going for a drive in daddy's car Buckle up for safety for the ride Going for a drive in mommy's car Buckle up for safety for the ride Going for a drive in any car Buckle up for safety for the ride Also, going for a drive in any bus Buckle up for safety for the ride When you're in a car or even a bus Make sure you use the seat belt The same goes for all the adults as well Be sure you mention this When you're going for a drive in any car Buckle up for safety for the ride And going for a drive in any bus Buckle up for safety for the ride You know, it makes sense! ⭐️Timestamps: 00:00 Seat Belts! 01:26 Wash Your Hands Song 03:26 Tidy Up Song