One of the most Amazing Guitartists in the world today! Exclusive Interview with Evangelista Kourtes

One of the most Amazing Guitartists in the world today! Exclusive Interview with Evangelista Kourtes

:Like what you see? Please support us on PATREON! Click here to join:   / alizeeepromotions2100   EVANGELISTA’S SOCIAL MEDIA:FACEBOOK -  / evakourtesmusic   INSTAGRAM -   / evakourtes   LINKEDIN -   / evangelis.  . TIKTOK -   / evangelistako...evangelista’s   GUITAR COVERS:Hotel California - Eagles: Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin:    • Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven Sol...   We Are The Champions (with Brian May & Roger Taylor):    • Playing Queen - We Are The Champions ...   Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd:    • Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb 2 PART ...   Europa -    • Carlos Santana - Europa: Dedicated to...   You Shook Me All Night Long V2 -    • You Shook Me All Night Long: ACDC - E...   You Shook Me All Night Long V1 -   • You Shook Me All Night Long: ACDC - E...  Parisienne Walkways -   • Parisienne Walkways: Gary Moore - EVA...   ==================================================== EVANGELISTA’S SOCIAL MEDIA:FACEBOOK -  / evakourtesmusic   INSTAGRAM -   / evakourtes   LINKEDIN -   / evangelis.  . TIKTOK -   / evangelistako...evangelista’s   GUITAR COVERS:Hotel California - Eagles: Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin:    • Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven Sol...   We Are The Champions (with Brian May & Roger Taylor):    • Playing Queen - We Are The Champions ...   Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd:    • Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb 2 PART ...   Europa -    • Carlos Santana - Europa: Dedicated to...   You Shook Me All Night Long V2 -    • You Shook Me All Night Long: ACDC - E...   You Shook Me All Night Long V1 -   • You Shook Me All Night Long: ACDC - E...  Parisienne Walkways -   • Parisienne Walkways: Gary Moore - EVA...  In www.evangelistakourtes.comYOUTUBE:    / evangelistakourtes     / evakourtes​facebook:     / evakourtesmusic​linkedin:     / evangelistakourtes   Thank you EVA for the interview and creative editing ! Rich at Alizee Defan