Start It Up! ~ The Simplest Sourdough Starter
Hey y'all! I shared how I make my sourdough bread a while back, and today I am sharing how I make the starter for my sourdough! Making and maintaining a sourdough starter can be a little intimidating because you have to keep it alive, but this starter is the easiest of the easy! Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of dry yeast 1 cup of water (make sure the water is not cold or scolding hot. Warm water is best to help the starter ferment) 1/2 cup of sugar 3 tablespoons of instant mashed potatoes 1.) In a medium-sized glass jar, add the yeast, water, sugar, and potatoes. Mix well with a non-metallic utensil. Cover the jar with a paper towel and rubber band. 2.) For the next 24 hours, store the jar in a warm place in your house. During the warmer months, this could be near a window. I like to keep mine on top of the refrigerator, especially during the winter! 3.) After 24 hours, place the starter in your refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. 4.) On the 4th or 5th day, remove the starter from the fridge and feed it 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 cup of warm water, and 3 tablespoons of potatoes. 5.) Once fed, leave the starter out at room temperature for another 24 hours. After this period, your starter is ready to be used! If y'all have any questions about my starter, please leave them in the comments! I also love taking video requests from y'all, so please share if you have any ideas! As always, I appreciate y'all so so much! Thank you for watching! Please like and subscribe!