Capture One vs Lightroom Classic: 2025 is the year that Capture One finally beats Adobe!!

Capture One vs Lightroom Classic: 2025 is the year that Capture One finally beats Adobe!!

Capture One vs Adobe Lightroom Classic, 2025 edition brings a new champion in the Camera RAW post production world. First the first time in history, at least the history of PhotoKitchen, CP1 has beaten LRC. And this is all because of Match Look, a new feature in Capture One, that might forever change postproduction workflow, and bring tone and color editing to the masses. My 2024 CP1 vs LRC Battle:    • Lightroom Classic vs Capture One, 202...   My CP1 Rant/Wishlist    • Please Help Me Fix Capture One   #captureone #lightroomclassic #matchlook #photoediting My name is M.D. Welch, and I am the humble host of PhotoKitchen. The YouTube channel dedicated to all things photo, video, and image editing. New episodes are live every week. Please like, subscribe and share! My Website: Follow me on Instagram:   / mdwelch_photo   Hey I am on Twitter too:   / md_welch   I also teach: