신현근 박사:  만성적 역전이 고착 상태

신현근 박사: 만성적 역전이 고착 상태

CHRONIC COUNTERTRANSFERENCE FIXATIONS. 만성적 역전이 고착 상태. Narcissistic withdrawal from the patient in the form of passive indifference or inner abandonment by the therapist, and narcissistic withdrawal from external reality in a complementary relationship with that patient, are potential dangers particularly in analysts whose narcissism has not been sufficiently worked through in their own analysis. Such analysts fall back more easily on their narcissistic character defenses; this happens not only because of the defensive return to old character patterns, but also because these character defenses themselves are so often directed against pregenital conflicts involving early aggression. Countertransference regression is especially threatening in these cases. (Kernberg 1975, pp. 62-63) This lecture provided in one of the classes of Innovative Coaching Center (ICC) in Korean (한국어) is publicly shared to help Korean-speaking communities and their members located in various continents, countries, and regions of the world have an easy and free access to the life-coaching, psychoanalytic, and spiritual insights and wisdom. ▶영어 주교재 Kernberg (1975). Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism. New York; Jason Aronson Inc. ▶한글 주교재 Kernberg, O. 지음. 윤순임 외 옮김 (2008). 경계선 장애와 병리적 나르시시즘. 서울: 학지사.