The Solemn Blessing and Dismissal | Worshipping at Epiphany | Br Thomas-Therese Mannion OP

The Solemn Blessing and Dismissal | Worshipping at Epiphany | Br Thomas-Therese Mannion OP

The Mass is the Church's supreme act of worship, and Epiphany is a feast which culminates in worship, as we recount the story of the Magi who came to adore the Lord: "On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage." (Mt 2:11). In the lead up to this great feast, we invite you to prepare with us by looking at some of the parts of the Mass of the Epiphany. You can sign-up for daily emails for the series here: Find more content from the Dominican student brothers on our blog: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates:   / godzdogz     / englishop   #catholic #epiphany