Daily Mass, 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Thursday, October 13, 2022

Daily Mass, 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Thursday, October 13, 2022

Daily Mass, 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Thursday, October 13, 2022 Good morning! Welcome to St. Gilbert Church! May your grace, O Lord we pray at all times go before us and follow after and make us always determined to carry out good works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen. DAILY MEDITATION | OCTOBER 11, 2022 Detach from the Past I am increasingly convinced that it is possible to live the wounds of the past not as gaping abysses that cannot be fulfilled and, therefore, keep threatening us as gateways to new life. The “gateless gate” of Zen and the “healing wounds of Christ” both encourage us to detach ourselves from the past and trust in the glory to which we are called. ----From Henri Nouwen Sharing Table Fellowship Reflect Sometimes our faith can feel isolating. We can feel tension, anger, and sadness in ways in which the Church may have hurt us or someone we love. Sometimes it feels like we don’t have a place at the table. Yet the promise of our faith is that Jesus welcomes us all to the table as we rejoice in his love for us. Pray Oh, welcoming Christ, you who have created this table with your carpenter hands, who sat at it with your friends thousands of years ago, remind me that I too, can sit at this table— that I too, am worthy to sit here and know of your love for me. Today, dispel from me any lie that tells me this table does not want me here. Oh, welcoming Christ, beckon me to the table. Amen. Act Today, as you journey with the Gospel narratives that show Jesus at table, reflect on the friendship that Christ had with his disciples. Remind yourself that Christ calls you into the same friendship, to sit with him at the table. ---From Franciscan Media. Pause+ Pray, October 13, 2022 This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio