BTS (방탄소년단) – Baepsae (뱁새) (Color Coded Lyrics Han/Rom/Eng)
Watch in HD :D Note: There’s an idiom “뱁새가 황새 따라가다 가랑이가 찢어진다,” meaning “If a crow-tit (or parrotbill) tries to follow a stork, it’ll split its legs.” It teaches how you should tailor your ambitions to the measure of your abilities or the resources given to you. BTS often call themselves as 뱁새 (crow-tits; pronounced baepsae): underdogs, those who started with disadvantages, the powerless in the society, and so on. (They nonetheless refuse to frame themselves within the limit of crow-tits. They rather challenge the norm and gladly split their legs. Though it’s painful and takes a whole lot more of efforts, they do succeed in walking along, or even past, storks.) 황새 (storks; pronounced hwangsae) in this context means those who are born with advantages. The contrast highlights the severe socioeconomic inequality in Korea. The English title of this song is Silver Spoon, which is synonymous with (inherited) wealth. So the Korean title (뱁새; crow-tit) and English title (Silver Spoon) actually mean the opposite to each other. They might have decided to title it Silver Spoon in English to emphasize that this song is about socioeconomic inequality and injustice. Album Playlist: • The Most Beautiful Moment In Life Pt.2 Track: 06. 'Baepsae (뱁새)' Album: 'THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT IN LIFE PT.2 (The 4th Mini Album)' Year: 2015 Artist: BTS (방탄소년단) Credits: Color Code: hobified Han: doolsetbangtan Rom: m01x3 Eng: doolsetbangtan 'THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT IN LIFE PT.2' on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3z3OQRZ 'Baepsae (뱁새)' on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3MuaLtv 'Run' M/V: • BTS (방탄소년단) 'RUN' Official MV #Baepsae #SilverSpoon #Tryhard #뱁새 #BTS #방탄소년단 #HYYH #TheMostBeautifulMomentInLifePt2 #InTheMoodForLovePt2 No copyright infringement intended.