T-1000 Made Mortal Kombat 1 Better Than Ever & Here's WHY!
Welcome to our International Mortal Kombat 1 Tournament Series! Watch the best Players worldwide compete for our $2000 Prizepool & get ready for unique Kameos, incredible gameplay and Combos you've never seen before! Timestamps: 00:00 Welcome 2:36 DISARTED (T1000) vs. BMW (T1000) 12:45 SMILEDCHIMP (PEACEMAKER) vs. JAZWO (T1000) 28:30 MNICHU (SEKTOR) vs. MILO (T1000) 46:03 CYBERCALIX (LIU) vs. AGENTVENOM (T1000) 59:37 THUMBNAIL: BLAZTT (SUBZERO) vs. MARI (CYRAX) ⭐️Make sure to subscribe for DAILY MK1 Content & insane tournament matches! Want to go the extra Mile and support the Arena Team with a contribution? Checkout our Patreon: / r1psarena Want to compete? Join our Discord here: / discord Follow us on our Socials: / r1ps_arena / r1ps_arena / r1ps_arena Check out our Sponsor: Gamer Advantage is now officially part of the R1Ps Arena community. They are helping improve the prize pool and for the next 30 days, offering 15% (with the Code "R1ps") off using this link: http://gameradvantage.com/r1ps-arena Their lenses and other wellness tools, have helped thousands of gamers sleep and feel better. That means more wins for you! Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio