STANDING FULL BODY STRETCH & STRENGTH YOGA: 15 Min Morning Yoga Flow, Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Balance

STANDING FULL BODY STRETCH & STRENGTH YOGA: 15 Min Morning Yoga Flow, Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Balance

This at home chair yoga workout will help strengthen the core, arms and back while improving posture.. You will also be getting great sciatica stretching, yoga for low back, and deep hip yoga stretching. We have gentle stretching exercises for releasing upper body tension with great neck and shoulder yoga stretches. Both full body strength and mobility will help build better balance and more functional movement health. The better we move the more we move. This morning yoga flow will help us burn some calories today and open the body up for better daily movements. This chair supported yoga flow is a combination of standing stretching exercises and chair yoga for weight loss. We move at a steady pace but everything is able to be worked at your own level. There are no floor poses today. We work to build strength to help us support the low back, hips, pelvic floor, and avoid low back pain. You will work to engage those deep core muscles giving us nice ab toning and strength. We will also be using those core strengthening exercises to strengthen the low back and leading to low back pain relief and improve balance. Overall this is a gentle yoga that will help you through posture correction exercises, give you low back support, build strong joints, help reduce stress and tension, and tone the muscles. Everything is low impact and easy to modify for any level from beginner to advanced. This is great chair yoga for beginners, chair yoga for seniors, easy yoga, gentle yoga, and yoga for beginner seniors, and any level up from there. Thanks for watching - Jessica #gentleyoga #gentleyogaflow #seniorsyoga #seniorsfitness #seniorsworkout #seniorsexercise #easyyoga #yogaforseniors #balanceexercise #balanceworkout #morningyoga #15minuteyoga #chairyoga #gentleyoga #gentleyogaflow #yogaforbalance #yogaforposture #postureexercises #anklemobility #healthyjoints #yogaforbeginners #yogaforseniors #fallprevention #jointhealth #jointexercises #movebetter #agewell #activeageing #activeaging #seniorsyoga #seniorsfitness #seniorsworkout #seniorexercise #yogaforbeginners #yogaforall #yogaforallbodies