This is How to Take the Basic White Bread to the Next Level
The first video I ever posted on the channel was for a basic white bread recipe. And it sure was as basic as it can get. Flour, water, yeast, and salt baked on the same day. I would guess that this is the kind of bread most people bake on their first try at breadmaking. It’s a great starting point and a good way of practicing the skills for making bread by hand. It does not take a long time and it’s super easy. Later I published a video about an improved version of the basic white loaf which was made using a pre-ferment. This is a slight step up from the basic white bread as it involves extra preparation. The pre-ferment changes the characteristics of this bread. It gives it more depth of flavour, it makes the crust crispier, and the crumb slightly more substantial. But that was a long time ago and as most of you know by now, I have all but given up on using pre-ferments in favour of cold fermentation. Cold bulk fermentation develops a lot more flavour than a pre-ferment and it removes the extra step of making a pre-ferment. Basically, we are going back to the first recipe, but instead of making it on the same day, we simply mix the dough and leave it in the fridge for 24 hours to develop. 📖 Get the recipe ➡️ https://www.chainbaker.com/basic-white/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🥨 Become a channel member ⤵️ / @chainbaker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌾 Support the channel on ko-fi.com ⤵️ https://www.ko-fi.com/chainbaker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔪 Find all the things I use here ⤵️ 🇺🇸 https://www.amazon.com/shop/ChainBaker 🇬🇧 https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/ChainBaker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🥐 Learn all about bread making here ⤵️ Principles of Baking http://bit.ly/principles-of-baking The Steps of Baking http://bit.ly/steps-of-baking ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🍞 Share your bakes here ⤵️ https://www.flickr.com/groups/chainba... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Bread #Baking #ChainBaker