2024-12-30 8:30 am Celebration of the Holy Mass on Monday of the 6th day of the Octave of Christmas

2024-12-30 8:30 am Celebration of the Holy Mass on Monday of the 6th day of the Octave of Christmas

Good morning and welcome to the celebration of the Holy Mass on Monday of the 6th day of the Octave of Christmas. Our Gospel gives us the beautiful story of Anna, the prophetess who resides in the Temple. She was a widow for many years and spent her time in the temple praying and fasting. She saw Mary and Joseph bring Jesus into the temple and she knew that she had seen the one that would bring redemption to the entire world. She knew that her time of waiting was over and she praised God and told anyone who would listen what she had just seen. In our reading from 1 John, we are reminded that our sins are forgiven on account of Jesus' name. At the same time, we have a responsibility to focus our attention on the Lord and not get caught up in worldly things that detract us from what is really important. No matter what our state in life, we are called to live our lives in union with the Lord. Anna spent her time in the temple. Do we go about our daily duties with a grateful heart? Looking after the family, caring for a neighbor in need or offering a smile to someone you see are all means to giving glory and praise to God. Anna was faithful to her calling, she lived life with a grateful heart and offered praise and glory to God. We are called to do the same. Today's Responsorial Psalm is Psalm 96: "Let heaven and earth exult in joy!"