DUNE PROPHECY Episode 5 Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Ending Explained, Book & Movie Call-backs & Review

DUNE PROPHECY Episode 5 Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Ending Explained, Book & Movie Call-backs & Review

DUNE PROPHECY Episode 5 Breakdown. Check out the Star Trek Starships Die Cast Collection here - https://www.fanhome.com/uk/movie-seri... DUNE PROPHECY Episode 5 Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Ending Explained, Book & Movie Call-backs & Review. We review, recap and explain the HBO Max show Dune Prophecy and talk easter eggs, hidden details and meaning, the Bene Gesserit and more. #Dune #DuneProphecy #HBO #Episode5 #Max #paulatreides If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel    / @heavyspoilers   Join our membership program and get early access to our videos here -    / @heavyspoilers   Get 10% Off Arrow Films by using our discount link here - https://prf.hn/l/Qx891yN Check out our #shorts channel here HEAVY SPOILERS CLIPS -    / @heavyspoilersclips8820   Check out our website at https://heavyspoilers.com/ Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers merch at - https://heavyspoilers.shop/ Check out our BEST new videos below Dune Prophecy -    • DUNE PROPHECY Episode 4 Breakdown | E...   Creature Commandos -    • CREATURE COMMANDOS Episode 3 Breakdow...   Arcane Season 2 -    • ARCANE Season 2 Ending Explained | Ep...   FROM Season 3 -    • FROM Season 3 Ending Explained | Epis...   Penguin Episode 8 -    • PENGUIN Ending Explained & Episode 8 ...   Check out our Latest CLASSIC MOVIE BREAKDOWNS Return Of The King -    • LORD OF THE RINGS Return Of The King ...   Spirited Away -    • SPIRITED AWAY (2001) Breakdown | East...   Se7en -    • Video   The Village -    • Video   The Blair Witch Project -    • THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999) Breakd...   Kingsman -    • KINGSMAN: The Secret Service (2014) B...   Listen to our Videos on the go with our podcast versions below. Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/1WE0ZXR... Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Amazon Podcasts - you'll have to search it for now mate, URL is still processing /* ---- SOCIAL MEDIA ---- */ Follow Us On Social Media At: Website - https://heavyspoilers.com/ Threads - https://www.threads.net/@heavyspoilers TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@heavyspoilers... Twitter -   / heavyspoilers   Instagram -   / heavyspoilers   Facebook -   / deffinitionmc   Follow our team at - Host & Editor Paul -   / heavyspoilers   Host & Editor MT -   / mastertainment   Editor Steesh -   / steeshhaggie   Editor Matt -   / superheronexus   Editor Jonathan - https://x.com/jonvart /* ---- VIDEO INFORMATION ---- */ Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show, I’m your host Paul and this video we’re breaking down Dune Prophecy. - Episode 5 is now out and the penultimate entry has a lot to unpack from it. Throughout this video we’re gonna breakdown the things within it and talk about how they tie into the Dune-iverse. Firstly though just a quick word from our sponsors and then we’ll get into the episode. Ok so lots of things fall into place come the end. We have the capture of Keiran, more on Lila’s possession and also the truth about Desmond. The latter of which is part Harkonnen and Atreides which pretty much narrows it down to Tula being his mother. This fusing of the two bloodlines is also extremely important and this is what the sisterhood planned to bond to form the Kwisatz Haderach. That wouldnt be for thousands of years but initially they wanted Feyd to wed Jessica’s daughter. It was their child that would then be said to fullfill the prophecy and the witches would have a figure that they’d control on the throne. Paul and Jessica also learn that theyre from the Harkonnen bloodline in the book and films. In the work this comes at the tent when Paul asks his mother to study her face in the mirror. There she’ll see the features of the family and it confirms that theyre one in the same. In the films they do it at the water of life ceremony but either way the two families are already tied.