Call of Duty Warzone 3 PC Gameplay (No Commentary) - Why Warzone Has Become a Complete Joke!
Yet another Shadow ban after one week! This game is dying and Activision doesn't care about their player base. It feels like being good at the game comes at a cost! Even though I catch a Shadow ban I will be on the Smurf until that get's shadow banned as well. The loadout used in the Gameplay is Crazy good and the WSP-9 is build for movement speed as you can see in the gameplay. I run the DTIR build which is one of the strongest AR in the game right now. The last guy was running a Thermal scope which lead us to lose the game but in my opinion there was amazing moments through out the play. Hope you enjoyed the video and if you did please subscribe and like the video. I put a lot of effort into these videos and get excited when you guys comment on them. If you have any feedback regards the videos I publish please write it down in the comment section. I respond to everyone and greatly appreciate you guys. Much Love, All Action No Talk. #callofduty #gameplay #warzone3 #season6 #nocommentary #gaming DTIR 30-06 & WSP-9, warzone, warzone gameplay, warzone, WSP-9 warzone class, DTIR 30-06 warzone class, WSP-9 warzone 3,warzone solos gameplay, warzone solo win, cod warzone 3 gameplay, warzone 3 gameplay, gameplay no commentary, warzone no commentary, marshal no commentary, call of duty no commentary, warzone 3,call of duty, call of duty warzone, cod warzone, warzone ps5 gameplay,ps5 gameplay,warzone3,Call of Duty Warzone 3 Solo WSP-9 Gameplay PC (No Commentary), WSP-9