#RedCam BRII - SHUT DOWN: BLACKPINK Born Pink World Tour: Seoul Korea 2023 - The Band Six Collective

#RedCam BRII - SHUT DOWN: BLACKPINK Born Pink World Tour: Seoul Korea 2023 - The Band Six Collective

Song: SHUT DOWN LIVE (BornPink: SEOUL) Artist: BLACKPINK BAND: The Band Six Collective -Omar Dominick - Bass/Music Director/Arranger -Bennie Rodgers - Drums -Yung World - Keyboards/Synths -Chuckie Gibson - Guitar -Brandon Finklea - Programmer/Playback Engineer/Arranger Gear: -TAMA Drums - Starclassic: Walnut Birch -Zildjian Cymbals - Assortment: A Custom, K Custom, Special K, Avedis, Prototypes -Evans Drumheads - Red Hydraulic, Emad -Vic Firth Drumsticks - Freestyle 5A (H) -Drum Dots - Large, Small -Yamaha Electronics - DTX900M -Dauz Pads - 8” Rubber pads -KickBlock - KickBlock, PedalBlock -Vratim - Drum Shoes Wanted to share another RedCam of the last tour date on BlackPink’s BORN PINK WORLD TOUR 2023. A year of this tour came to an end in Seoul Korea late 2023. I, along with all the performers, was just having a great time! It’s a blessing to have watched BP evolve into global superstars that they are. Endless inspiration. Please enjoy! Be blessed! #redcam - Exclusive footage at www.BriightRedEnt.com for VIP and Elite members only. #RedCam #BennieRodgersII #BlackPink #BornPinkWorldTour #Seoul #TheBandSix #Tama #Kpop #HIM #12YearsOfKpopDrumming