St. Luke Catholic Church - SUNDAY MASS - June 5, 2022 @ 9:00am

St. Luke Catholic Church - SUNDAY MASS - June 5, 2022 @ 9:00am

Welcome to St. Luke Catholic Church! This is a live stream of our Sunday Mass from June 5, 2022. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get updates on our upcoming videos! or visit our website for more info at Click SHOW MORE for hymns and readings at this Mass. Saint Luke Parish is a vibrant community of faith in McLean, Virginia that holds social outreach and religious education among its top priorities. From its small beginnings, with just 200 families in the parish, Saint Luke continues to grow. Whether you are a registered parishioner or a guest, Saint Luke Catholic Church welcomes you to participate in Mass, to serve alongside us as we reach out to help the needy, and to receive the blessings that being a part of an active parish has to offer.