2nd Celebration Service: Abundant Blessings - 10/30/2022

2nd Celebration Service: Abundant Blessings - 10/30/2022

2nd Celebration Service: Abundant Blessings - 10/30/2022 Grace Covenant Center (GCC) is a parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG Welcome! Come and visit one of our Worship Services and/or Bible Studies! We are a family-friendly church. You will soon find out how we deeply care for your spiritual and physical needs. No doubt you have come to the right place at the right time. We are totally committed to your spiritual welfare and your eternal destiny. By His grace, we are known to be a church that enjoys 24hrs miracles, and unusual testimonies abound among us. We look forward to seeing you, and may the LORD continue to richly bless you. Come and experience the spirit of true friendship and togetherness. We look forward to welcoming you. Location: 9205 Skillman Street, Suite 103, Dallas, TX 75243 https://gracecovenantcenter.org