[ENG SUB]필리핀 세부 탑스힐 전망대 다녀왔어요 | TOPs of Cebu ( Observation deck with a city panorama )(feat.골든리트리버)
세부 시내가 한눈에 내려다 보이는 곳을 다녀왔어요 ! 날씨가 흐려서 조금 아쉬웠지만, 경치도 구경하고 유쾌한 사람들도 많이 만날 수 있었어요 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 :) I went to a place that overlooks Cebu city at a glance! The weather was cloudy and it was a bit disappointing, but I was able to enjoy the scenery and meet a lot of pleasant people Thank you for watching :)