Wim Hof breathing session • NO TALKING • 30 breaths • 3 rounds
► 3 rounds Advanced 1:30 ➜ 2:00 ➜ 2:30 with onscreen timer ✓ 432Hz • NO TALKING • Instructions for this Wim Hof animation session: sit down or lie down comfortably and relax 1st round: 30 breaths / exhale + 1'30 breath hold / fully inhale + 15 sec breath hold 2nd round: 30 breaths / exhale + 2'00 breath hold / fully inhale + 15 sec breath hold 3rd round: 30 breaths / exhale + 2'30 breath hold / fully inhale + 15 sec breath hold Exhale and return to a normal breathing. Start moving your body slowly The goal of the Wim Hof Method breathing technique is to increase oxygen levels and blow out carbon dioxide. It has been shown to help with depression, anxiety, mood, mental focus, and pain management. Wim Hof virtual humans animation ► One round of the Wim Hof Method breathing technique includes these steps: 1. Take in a strong inhalation through the nose and mouth. 2. Let out a relaxed exhalation through the mouth. 3. Repeat for 30 breaths. 4. On the 30th breath, exhale up to 85 percent and hold for the time given (1'30 / 2'00 / 2'30). 5. When you feel your body really needs to take a breath, inhale fully and hold for 15 seconds before releasing. ► Here are some general pointers for people who are new to Wim Hof Method breathwork: 1. If you are unable to breathe through your nose due to congestion or other reasons, mouth breathing is OK. 2. Use the cue “belly, chest, head” when inhaling to remind you to use all of your lungs. 3. Consciously relax your jaw and the muscles in your neck and upper shoulders. 4. Let go of any competitive mindset. Stop holding the 30th breath if you start feeling uncomfortable with it and breathe. 5. Use the breath retention phase to witness your own thoughts and your body’s response. ► The Wim Hof Method is not recommended if you have a history of: – seizures – respiratory problems, like asthma – stroke – high or low blood pressure – It’s also not recommended for pregnant women ► If you’re taking any medications, it’s worth discussing the Wim Hof Method with a healthcare professional. ☝️👀 Listen to your body & Live healthy! #healthylifestyle #wimhof #breathwork #wimhofmethod