Holiness Meeting – December 24, 2023 Incarnation 4th Sunday of Advent – “Jesus Is Here"
YOUTUBE NOTES Holiness Meeting outline – Christmas Eve - December 24th, 2023 “The reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:37 NIV Welcome and Announcements – Major Julie Whiten Timbrel Drill “Feliz Navidad” Praise and Worship “Christmas Day” by Andrew Bergthold, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash, Scott Cash CCLI# 7139126 “God With Us” by Terrian Woods and Chuck Butler CCLI# 7130001 Pastoral Prayer – Lt. Hye Yun Drama “If Only” Chatara Mabry, Emilie Whiten, Judorcia Madingou, Henri Kissaka Call to worship “They Shall Call Him Emmanuel” – Major Julie Whiten Carol “O Come All Ye Faithful” by John Francis Wade (P.D.) Lt. Jae Park Service of Dedication to God of baby Dona Kimia Ngavouka By her parents Hemerlon and Mazzi Ngouaka Worship in Giving Our Tithes and Offering/Doxology Lighting of the 4th Candle of Advent - The Candle of Love The Avery family Carol – “O Little Town of Bethlehem” by Phillips Brooks (P.D.) Lt. Jae Park Scripture – 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 NIV – Lt. Jae Park Message “Jesus is Here” – Lt. Ali Hamilton Responding to God “Adore Him” by C Fredrick Oakeley, Don Poythress, John Francis Wade, Tony Wood CCLI# 5455315 Major Chuck Whiten Benediction led by Major Chuck Whiten