Silent Hill 2: Extreme Subwoofer Gameplay Test! Part #6 Toluca Prison

Silent Hill 2: Extreme Subwoofer Gameplay Test! Part #6 Toluca Prison

こんにちは o(^_^*o)(o*^_^)o 🍫🍫🍡🍮🍯🧃🥛☕🍵🍶🍷🍸🍸🍹🍹🥂 🥳🥳🧃🧃🥛☕☕🍹🍹🍸🍸 warning! extreme subwoofer bass test gameplay video! welcome to silent hill! warning! be very careful with the volume because these tests are made so loud/powerful that it brings any subwoofer to its knees so please listen at a moderate/quiet volume remember it's not my fault if you listen too loud and your subwoofer breaks so be careful! if you don't like bass test videos, now is a good time to leave the video because the test contains strong bass finally silent hill 2 bass test videos on my channel 🥳 in this video, part 6 of the toluca prison episode, I progress slowly to leave more time for the atmosphere of the game and the bass test later I will make new game videos where I play the game as usual without major slowdowns playlist:    • Silent Hill 2: Extreme Subwoofer/Bass...   difficulty: normal riddle level: normal ps2 playstation 2 pcsx2 emulator longplay by shinjuku cafe part #6 toluca prison part 7 later pcsx2 silent hill pcsx2 silent hill 2 extreme/extra subwoofer bass/test series extreme bass extreme subwoofer extreme subwoofer/bass gameplay test subwoofer edition this is a test and the bass frequencies have been cut off at 25 Hz 🍉🍈🍊🍋🍓🍒🍑🍐🍏🍎🥭🍍🍇🥝🍊🍉🍉🍒🍓🍓 thanks for watching!