Enlightened Powernerd - Enter the Vortex I (guided meditation music)

Enlightened Powernerd - Enter the Vortex I (guided meditation music)

   / @enlightenedpowernerd   Abraham Hicks inspired meditation using Abraham Hicks copyrighted material First we distract your brain with some suiting, relaxing music, then we slowly guide you into the vortex. After seven minutes of suiting trance, the music returns to bring you back, feeling all refreshed and replenished. #abrahamhicksmorningmeditation #manifestation #Esther Hicks #love #alignment #guidedmeditation #Vortex #abrahamhicksguidedmeditation #esterhicks #allignment #lawofattraction #guidedmeditationfemalevoice #vibration #brainwaves Music by Enlightened Powernerd