Melodifestivalen 2003 - 2023 (Eurovision Sweden) | MY TOP 3 EACH YEAR

Melodifestivalen 2003 - 2023 (Eurovision Sweden) | MY TOP 3 EACH YEAR

We're deep into the Eurovision season and this years' edition of the swedish national selection Melodifestivalen is soon coming to an end! I therefore thought it was fitting to look into the songs of the past 21 years, mostly for nostalgic reasons. We've gotten a lot of great songs from Mello over the years and here I rank my favorite three songs each year, (which was not an easy task as there have been many years where I have many more favorites than just three!) I hope you enjoy :) Some commentary if someone's interested: *2003* ∙ I was three years old at the time, so this ranking is mostly based on nostalgia haha ∙ Fame's 'Give Me Your Love' is such a bop considering it's time, a well deserved win! *2004* ∙ E-Type's 'Paradise' is the definition of my childhood, and I can totally still dance hard to this song if it comes to it. ∙ 'La Dolce Vita' probably would have been a terrible choice, Eurovision-wise, but you gotta love After Dark. *2005* ∙ This year was kinda meh for me. Although Alcazar deserved a win here, Martin Stenmark's 'Las Vegas' was kinda cringe and we clearly had better songs to choose from. *2006* ∙ First I am sorry Carola isn't on here, but her 'Evighet' would be my 4th. ∙ Loved Andreas Johnson's 'Sing For Me' when I was little, and I still think this is the best from this year. *2007* ∙ I think 'Cara Mia' was revolutionizing for the contest, and although I think it's the best song, I'm glad it didn't win because then we probably wouldn't have gotten more Måns in mello haha *2008* ∙ 'Lay Your Love On Me' is still a bop until this day and one of the best songs from mello overall imo. It could have been better live though, which probably is the reason why it didn't win. *2009* ∙ One of the best mello-years! Soo many great songs to choose from here. And we sent 'La Voix'... ∙ Also here Alcazar should have won haha *2010* ∙ Also greeat year! Unfortunately we sent the 'wrong' song again. ∙ Salem Al Fakir's 'Keep On Walking' was huuge back then, and Timoteij could've been really cool to send to ESC. Would be really cool to see Salem come back to Mello sometime, but as Vargas & Lagola. *2011* ∙ 'Popular' may not be the objectively best song in the world (and especially not lyrically-wise), but together with the performance it was the best of the year imo. ∙ Loreen deserved better here. *2012* ∙ The year where everyone thought and hoped Danny would win (bc he kinda deserved it), but then another massive song came along instead. Euphoria is still the best song from mello, so far. *2013* ∙ Non-officially the Andra Chansen-year - the song that won came through to the final via the second chance, which has never happened before. ∙ Still sad about Yohio though, would've been really cool if we sent him to ESC. *2014* ∙ This year we sent the right song! Sanna really deserved it after competing so many times. *2015* ∙ A very strong official top 3 this year, which I completely agree with. If Jon Henrik and Mariette would have competed in other years with the same songs they probably would have won. *2016* ∙ Also one of the best mello years imo. ∙ Wiktoria's 'Save Me' is a cloose 4th here. The only reason Frans' is 3rd is because the breath of fresh air he brought with him into the contest, as his song sounded really different from all others. And this is also the biggest reason to why he won. *2017* ∙ Not the best year. Although I looved Nano's 'Hold On' (and still do). Deserved a win here. *2018* ∙ Also a pretty weak year. Top 2 are the only ones I really like. ∙ Remember Fame from 2003? Jessica here is back and killing it! *2019* ∙ Mello's worst year imo among these. Although we sent the right song! *2020* ∙ RIP Dotterdam. *2021* ∙ The year when the mello-guys returned (aka Danny and Eric). A solid year but no clear winner imo. My favorite song is again though by Dotter! *2022* ∙ 'Hold Me Closer' is imo one of the best mello songs of all time. Not 'Euphoria', but still up there. We need more of these types of songs in the contest. *2023* ∙ This year's contest has either had very good songs or very bad ones. The top 3 is one of the best, rivaling 2009, 2015 & 2016 during these past years. It will be a very exciting final on saturday! - *Timestamps* 0:00 2003 0:49 2004 1:30 2005 2:17 2006 3:06 2007 3:52 2008 4:40 2009 5:29 2010 6:16 2011 7:03 2012 7:50 2013 8:37 2014 9:23 2015 10:04 2016 10:39 2017 11:27 2018 12:13 2019 12:59 2020 13:46 2021 14:32 2022 15:21 2023 - No copyright infringement intended. All rights goes to SVT. -