Nastya and the Challenge Cube
Nastya arranged a challenge for her friends TheRockSquad at the cube.
Good Food vs. Bad Food Challenge by Nastya and Dad
Diana and the Challenge Cube!
Oliver and Roma GIANT Sorter Cube Challenge - Shapes and Colors for Kids
Diana and Roma Balloons Cube Challenge | Funny Drawing Meme
back to school challenge from Nastya and Eva
Oliver Takes on the CUBE Challenge with Friends!
Roma and the CUBE CHALLENGE!
BOYS vs. GIRLS CHALLENGE by Nastya and Friends
Roma and the Cube Challenge!
Scary Teacher 3D vs Squid Game Mend Dresses Squid Girl by Sticker Nice or Error 5 Times Challenge
Ellie & Eric Balloon Cube Challenges to Rescue Eva
Nastya and the Challenge Cube
Nastya and the Challenge Cube
Nastya and NINJA KIDZ A fun meeting in Texas
Nastya and the fashion show with Rock Squad
Nastya invites friends to the Most Unusual Restaurants in the World / ft Salish Matter
Chris and Mom Balloons Cube Challenge and other funny stories for kids
Guesses the Best BOYFRIEND Blindfolded ft/ Brent Rivera
Our FIRST SLEEPOVER and the TEENS Got JEALOUS! **plus epic Sephora shopping spree** Ft/ Nastya
School Challenge between Nastya and Evelin /new channel*