FANS REACT to Ellie Kills David Scene - The Last of Us 1x8 Reaction
Fans reaction to Ellie killing David, David's death scene in the Last of Us Episode 8, When We Are in Need. Subscribe here: https://cutt.ly/0h1Ys8M Featured reactions: Mary Cherry - / @marycherryofficial The Normies - / @thenormies Reel Rejects - / @reelrejects Late to the Party - / @latetotheparty StruggleNation - / @strugglenation YaBoyRoshi - / @yaboyroshi Magic Magy - / @magicmagy CinePals - / @cinepals Nikki & Steven React - / @nikkistevenreact Dos Cavazos - / @doscavazos SSJUTSU - / @ssjutsu Omn1Media - / @omn1media funnylilgalreacts - / @funnylilgalreacts MovieFusion - / @moviefusion Cruz Brothers React - / @cruzbrothersreact BRIDGECO - / @bridgeco1 Fan Pops - / @fanpops BIZZYBRON - / @bizzybron SkyMcSparkle - / @skymcsparkle #thelastofus #hbomax #tlou