Eggplant pancakes & rice wine 가지전과 막걸리 #Shorts

Eggplant pancakes & rice wine 가지전과 막걸리 #Shorts

Hello, guys! According to the weather forecast, it's going to rain here in Seoul this coming weekend! On a rainy day, I love to eat eggplant pancakes (가지전) with a glass of rice wine (막걸리) I just had a glass of rice wine, so I am a little tipsy at the moment, lol Eggplant pancakes are moist on the inside and super crispy on the outside Hope you enjoy! Ingredients 1 eggplant (one or two) 2 frying powder (튀김가루) 3 seasoned flour (부침가루) 4 soju for deeping sauce 1 soy sauce 2 vinegar 3 water 4 hot chili pepper 5 spring onion 6 chili powder #가지전 #막걸리 #비오는날음식