ALLAH will Fixit INSHAALLAH #shorts #status #allah #islam #muslim #ramadan #hope #peace #anixety #yt

ALLAH will Fixit INSHAALLAH #shorts #status #allah #islam #muslim #ramadan #hope #peace #anixety #yt

ALLAH will Fixit INSHAALLAH #shorts #status #allah #islam #muslim #ramadan #hope #peace #anixety #yt ALLAH sees ALLAH knows ALLAH will Fix it soon INSHAALLAH QURAN Says Again and Again |#shorts #status #allah #islam #muslim #ramadan #hope #peace #anixety #yt QURAN Says Again and Again 'Dont disappear, don't be sad, don't be weak, haven't you heard' Verily with every difficulty there is ease Life is full of challenges, but the Quran repeatedly reminds us to stay strong, have faith, and trust in Allah’s plan. No matter how difficult things may seem, remember: "Verily, with every difficulty, there is ease." (Quran) This powerful verse reassures us that hardships are temporary and that relief always follows struggles. Allah is the Most Merciful, and He never burdens a soul beyond its capacity. When we face difficulties, sadness, or weakness, we must turn to Allah, seek His guidance, and remain patient (sabr). The Quran reminds us again and again: Don't disappear – You are never alone; Allah is always with you. Don't be sad – Trials are a test of faith, and Allah’s help is near. Don't be weak – Strength comes from trusting in Allah and His wisdom. Every challenge brings us closer to Allah, strengthens our iman (faith), and purifies our hearts. So, never lose hope. Keep praying, keep believing, and keep moving forward—because with every hardship, Allah has already prepared ease. May Allah grant us patience, strength, and unwavering faith. Ameen. ✅ Like, Share & Subscribe for more authentic Islamic reminders and motivational content! Itx Leeo #Quran #Islam #IslamicReminder #QuranicVerses #IslamicMotivation #PatienceInIslam #TrustInAllah #FaithInAllah #IslamicQuotes #QuranicWisdom #EaseAfterHardship #Tawakkul #Sabr #AllahsMercy #IslamicTeachings #SpiritualHealing #IslamicGuidance #BestIslamicQuotes #MuslimInspiration #PowerfulQuranicQuotes #IslamicFaith #StrengthInIslam #HopeInIslam #2025 Quran, Islam, Islamic Reminder, Quranic Verses, Islamic Motivation, Patience in Islam, Trust in Allah, Faith in Allah, Islamic Quotes, Quranic Wisdom, Ease After Hardship, Tawakkul, Sabr, Allah’s Mercy, Islamic Teachings, Spiritual Healing, Islamic Guidance, Best Islamic Quotes, Muslim Inspiration, Powerful Quranic Quotes, Islamic Faith, Strength in Islam, Hope in Islam