बिल्ली ख़ाना पीना बंद कर दे तो क्या इलाज करे
बिल्ली ख़ाना पीना बंद कर दे तो क्या इलाज करे 9893996863 only WhatsApp Related searches cat not eating much but acting normal cat not eating but purring what to feed a sick cat that won't eat my cat is not eating or drinking and very weak my cat is eating less and sleeping more cat not eating or drinking or going to the bathroom home remedies for sick cats not eating cat not eating or drinking for 3 days Related searches what to feed a sick cat that won't eat cat not eating or drinking for 3 days cat not eating or drinking or going to the bathroom cat not eating but purring 14 year old cat not eating or drinking why is my cat not eating and sleeping a lot old cat not eating or drinking lethargic My cat is not eating or drinking ask मेरी बिल्ली खाना क्यों नहीं खा रही है? अगर आपकी बिल्ली नहीं खा रही है तो क्या करें? बिल्ली बिना भोजन के कितने समय तक जीवित रह सकती है? क्या बिल्ली बिना भोजन के 48 घंटे तक रह सकती है? Billi khana na khaye to kya kare