I Survived the World's STRICTEST School!
This was one of the hardest things we've ever done... watch Hudson Matter do this: • I Survived the World's Strictest School want an iPhone!? LIKE the video and comment "done" Special guests Gia's instagram: @giaflip10 Follow the Gang!! Amp World - @AmpWorld. @AmpWorldReacts Ben Azelart - @BenAzelart Lexi Rivera - @AlexaRivera Drew- @DrewBeilfuss Jeremy Hutchins: @JeremyHutchins Andrew Davila - @andrewdavila6696 Liv: @livswearingen Dom Brack - @dominicbrack Pierson: @pierson hang out with me on social media: SnapChat, Add me: TheBrentRivera Instagram: @BrentRivera Twitter: @BrentRivera Facebook: @BrentRivera TikTok: @brentrivera