Invitation To Shiloh 2023 | REDEEMED TO FLOURISH IN HARD TIMES | December 5-10, 2023 |LFC, Worldwide
Subscribe to my channel @ / @topladyteemedia Join us for a life-changing encounter at Shiloh 2023 tagged REDEEMED TO FLOURISH IN HARD TIMES from December 5-10, 2023 @ GMT+1 (Nigerian Time Zone) The diverse testimonies reveal the raw acts of God in our midst. Come for your own testimonies, and make it a date with destiny. Come along with your family members, invitees, and other loved ones for the experience of a lifetime in this service. You will never remain the same. Opening Session: 5th December, 2023 by 6:00 pm (GMT+1) Service Link: • SHILOH 2023: OPENING SESSION | DAY 1|... DAY 2: 6th December, 2023 (GMT+1) Prayer Hour-6:00 am: • SHILOH 2023: PRAYER HOUR | DAY 2 | RE... Hour of Visitation -7:15 am: • SHILOH 2023:HOUR OF VISITATION | DAY ... Evening Session- 6:00 pm: • SHILOH 2023: ENCOUNTER NIGHT | DAY 2 ... DAY 3: 7th December, 2023 (GMT+1) Prayer Hour-6:00 am: • SHILOH 2023: PRAYER HOUR | DAY 3 | RE... Hour of Visitation -7:15 am: • SHILOH 2023: HOUR OF VISITATION |DAY ... Encounter Night: • SHILOH 2023: ENCOUNTER NIGHT | DAY 3 ... DAY 4: 8th December, 2023 (GMT+1) Prayer Hour-6:00 am: • SHILOH 2023: PRAYER HOUR | DAY 4 | RE... Hour of Visitation -7:15 am: • SHILOH 2023: HOUR OF VISITATION| DAY ... Celebration Night: • SHILOH 2023: ENCOUNTER NIGHT | DAY 4 ... DAY 5: 9th December, 2023 (GMT+1) Impartation Service-6:00 am: • SHILOH 2023: IMPARTATION SERVICE |DAY... Church Location @ Canaan Land Ota-Lagos, Nigeria Social Media Handles: Church Youtube Channel--- / domistream Facebook - / winnerswld Twitter - / davidoyedepomin Instagram - / davidoyedepomin Livestream - https://shiloh2023.org/mediaCenter For further enquiries, call: +2347080638000 #topladyteemedia #Shiloh2023OpeningSession #ChangeofStory #RedeemedToFlourishInHardTimes #LivingFaithChurchworldwide #December5-102023 #WinnersChapel JESUS IS LORD