Autie Audio - 5 ETF Stocks With Low Depreciation AND Consistent Dividends + How To Find Them
Video host: Autie Audio DISCLAIMER: This description may contain affiliate links from different brokerages. If you invest using my links, I might get compensated - but there's no additional cost to you. I'm just a random nerd on YouTube so do your own research! Autie Audio is not a licensed financial advisor. This video, the topics discussed, and ideas presented are Autie's opinions and presented for entertainment purposes only. The information presented should not be construed as financial advice. Always do your own due diligence. Yieldmax Distribution Dates: https://www.yieldmaxetfs.com/distribu... Robinhood (My favorite) $5 free stock if you invest $1. Link: https://join.robinhood.com/juliel-457... There are a lot of brokerages people use. This is the only one that gave my friends $5 for a $1 deposit. SoFi required a $25 deposit for $5 free stock. Webull is only good for free stocks during promotions. Many don't give free stock. I like freebies. I want everyone to succeed. To cut a long story short, please learn about REITS, Stocks, and ETFs. I retired in November of 2023 after studying passive income for six years. I wish the same for everyone. It changed my life. I want to help everyone by providing some information. Lets look at the real world in Middle Georgia: Robins Financial Prestige Savings Account will give you $0.60 APY Monthly. That's $1.06 per $2500 you invest paid directly into your account every month. It is considered safe. Its percentage changes with interest rates. VS There are over 100 companies, that you can invest in easily, that will pay you over $37.50 around the same time every month for that same $2500. You don't need $2500. You need under $4 to get started because I know of a few safe REITS that cost around $3.33 each, and pay an average of $0.15 per stock you own quarterly. Is $0.05 per $3.33 per month a lot? No. But it will pay for your snacks if you're consistent. You do not have to be rich to invest in the stock market. Education shows you only need $1 if you think a company will grow. OR $3.33 to invest in a dividend REIT that will out perform most savings rates. Robinhood Gold gives around $2.43 per month per $1000 you have in your brokerage just sitting. But Robinhood Gold will cost you $5 per month. A $3.33 REIT paying $0.15 quarterly will average you about $15 a month for that same $1000 without Robinhood Gold. If you utilize margin, you'll get $30 a month - the $5 Robinhood Gold fee. You'll being making $75 net profit ($90 Gross) every 3 months for that $1000. If you go the ETF route; I know of 10 that will pay you over $133.81 monthly for that same $2500. It's less secure. There are risks. These are newer companies. But if you trust it will exist for a year; that one time investment will already be repaid in 19 months or less. After that, it's free money. You could put $85,000 in a home. Rent it out for $800 a month if you're lucky. Pay the upkeep costs. OR You could have $85,000 in 50 different Stocks, ETFS, REITS. You want diversity. This keeps your money much safer. That same $85,000 will give you $5000 - $10,000+ every month if you utilize margin investing. Your fees are margin and taxes. You won't be paid just monthly when you diversify. You will be have dividends going off multiple times a week this route. Legally, I'm not supposed to say stock names. I can tell you go to Yahoo Finance. Look up REITS. Look Up ETFS. Click one. Click Historical data. Educate yourself. Learn about The companies. Figure out what's a good price for each company. It's not an overnight thing. It took me six years to really feel secure in what I'm doing. Find a stock that has consistently paid every month or quarterly for the past 5 years. If the stock pays at least $0.014 per $1 you invest - That stock will pay you $133.81, or more per $2500 every month on average. I was told what if the stock market crashes? Cool. I know people that were loyal to companies for 20+ years. COVID hit. They lost everything. Including the 401k provided by the company they were so loyal to. I was told that a stock lost $5,000. Cool. That stock lost me $5,000 that year in value itself on paper. It paid me $10,000 in dividends. So not only did I make $5000; That loss on paper is now a tax write off. I'm getting tax credits while making money. Learn about Qualified Dividends. Those are stocks and REITS that if you hold for over a year become tax deductible. People say people want to gate-keep information to hoard wealth. The reality is wealth is infinite once you learn about stocks. I have first-hand seen how this information is changing the lives of everyone I've helped personally. Do I have enough time to sit down with you personally? No. This is far more information that I started with and it is enough to help you succeed too. "I can't afford to." You can. Cut out luxuries to build having a profitable life. #retirement #passiveincome #reitinvesting #reit #etf