Easy Microwave Pudding Recipe 🍮| Nayla's Kitchen
Easy Microwave Pudding Recipe Making the caramel: Check if the caramel is ready in 7 minutes. If it isn't, microwave for some more time. The functions of every microwave oven are not the same. So the required time may vary. Please adjust the time if necessary. The height at which the mug is placed in the microwave oven also plays a role in the time required. If the mug is placed at a greater height, the required time will decrease. Making the pudding: Make sure to take only a little amount of water in the bowl in which the mug is kept. If you take a lot of water, the pudding will remain soft. But if you don't take any water at all, the pudding will become hard. Thanks for watching! Follow us on Facebook: / naylascookingstudio #Pudding #MicrowavePudding #NaylasCookingStudio