इलाज के बाद क्रिएटिनिन क्यों बढ़ता है : जाने कारण #shorts #kidneydisease #creatinine

इलाज के बाद क्रिएटिनिन क्यों बढ़ता है : जाने कारण #shorts #kidneydisease #creatinine

इलाज के बाद क्रिएटिनिन क्यों बढ़ता है : जाने कारण #shorts #kidneydisease #creatinine There are two main reasons creatinine might rise after treatment: 1. *Side effects:* Certain medications or procedures can temporarily tax the kidneys, causing creatinine to rise. 2. *Underlying condition:* If the treatment addressed symptoms but not the root cause of kidney problems, creatinine may stay high or even increase. If you see a creatinine increase, speak to your doctor to understand the cause.