Febrile Seizure in Children(Hindi) II Febrile Convulsion II बुखार में Fits II Fever Fits I Dr Jeevan
Febrile Seizure or Convulsion in Children 2 to 4 percent of normal children from 6mths to 6yrs have seizures after fever.These are called febrile seizure or convulsion. Can be seen in developmentally delayed children as well. See the video to know the details about febrile seizure or convulsion. Consult the expert. Dr Jeevan Silwal Pediatric Neurologist MD, DNB, FIPN Address:Athena Polyclinic, Uttarapan market, Opp bishwadeep cinema hall, Pradhan nagar, Hill cart road, Siliguri Appointment at clinic or Online consultation:8787496211 Mail: [email protected] Visit: www.drjeevansilwal.in #febrileseizure #febrileconvulsion #seizure #convulsion #mirgi #pediatricneurologist #childneurologist #epilepsy #seizureinchildren #infantilespasm #EEG #autism #adhd #speechdelay #cerebralpalsy #athenapolyclinic #neurologistinsiliguri #speechtherapy