AQUAMAN AND THE LOST KINGDOM Official Teaser Trailer Breakdown | DC Easter Eggs & Leaks

AQUAMAN AND THE LOST KINGDOM Official Teaser Trailer Breakdown | DC Easter Eggs & Leaks

AQUAMAN AND THE LOST KINGDOM Official Teaser Trailer Breakdown | DC Easter Eggs & Leaks. We breakdown the new teaser trailer for Aquaman 2 And The Lost Kingdom and discuss the easter eggs, hidden details and things you missed. We also talk about the stuff with James Gunns plan and where the DCU could be heading. #Aquaman #Trailer #OfficialTrailer #TrailerBreakdown #EasterEggs #ThingsYouMissed #Aquaman2 #aquamanandthelostkingdom #dc #dcu #dceu #theflash #batman If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel    / @heavyspoilers   If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here:    / @heavyspoilers   Check out our #shorts channel here HEAVY SPOILERS CLIPS -    / @heavyspoilersclips8820   Check out our website at Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - https://deffinitions-store.creator-sp... Check out our BEST new videos below Ahsoka Episode 4 Breakdown -    • AHSOKA Episode 3 Breakdown | Ending E...   One Piece Ending Explained -    • Video   WATCHMEN Breakdown -    • WATCHMEN (2009) Breakdown | Easter Eg...   Blue Beetle Ending Explained -    • BLUE BEETLE Ending Explained | Post C...   Doctor Strange 3 Leaks -    • DOCTOR STRANGE 3 Leaks, Rumours And N...   Across The Spider-verse -    • SPIDERMAN Across The Spider-Verse Bre...   Check out our Latest CLASSIC MOVIE BREAKDOWNS Starship Troopers -    • STARSHIP TROOPERS (1997) Breakdown | ...   Empire Strikes Back -    • STAR WARS The Empire Strikes Back (19...   2001 A Space Odyssey -    • 2001: A Space Odyssey Breakdown | Eas...   Star Wars A New Hope -    • STAR WARS A New Hope (1977) Breakdown...   Upgrade -    • UPGRADE (2018) Breakdown | Easter Egg...   Babadook -    • THE BABADOOK (2014) Breakdown | Easte...   Listen to the Across The Spoilerverse Podcast at: Youtube -    • Across The Spoiler-verse   Spotify - Amazon - Apple Podcasts - Check out our best Shorts videos Who Marrok Really Is -    • Who Marrok REALLY Is   Fast X Post Credits Scene -    • Fast X Post Credits Scene   Why GROOT said this -    • Why Groot says THIS at the end of Gua...   /* ---- SOCIAL MEDIA ---- */ Follow Us On Social Media At: Website - Threads - TikTok - Twitter -   / heavyspoilers   Instagram -   / heavyspoilers   Facebook -   / deffinitionmc   Follow our team at - Host & Editor Paul -   / heavyspoilers   Host & Editor MT -   / mastertainment   Host Greg -   / thegregalba   Editor Steesh -   / steeshhaggie   Editor Matt -   / superheronexus   /* ---- VIDEO INFORMATION ---- */ Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show, I'm your man Paul aka the guy who's having a Jason Momoa-moment as the new teaser for Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom has just dropped. - The full official trailer will be releasing in four days time on thursday with warner brothers finally dropping a look at the movie 100 days out. This is of course the last DCEU film before James Gunn takes over the reigns and begins his new slate Gods and Monsters. Starting with Superman legacy I think a lot hinges on both that and Deadpool 3 as general audiences seem to no longer be as interested in Super Hero Movies as they used to be. Can this bring the genre back to the surface or are we in too deep now. Well I'm hopeful that we're no longer on a sinking ship and after rewatching Aquaman the other week to get back up to speed I actually forgot how much I enjoyed that movie. Minus the pitbull song it was a really fun film and I'm actually hopefully that this is gonna be good too. Throughout this video we're gonna be breaking it all down and going through it frame by frame to talk about what happens in the teaser and what we think this could lead to. Music By - PSiMiTAR ► Youtube Subscribe - ► Instrumentals -    • [NO COPYRIGHT MUSIC] STEESH - The Fee...   ► Twitter -   / steeshhaggie   ► Instagram -   / steeshhaggie