[Seoul Metro Tour MISSION 30] 서울빛초롱축제 (Gwanghwamun Seoul lantern festival)
지하철을 타고 주요 역으로 이동해 명소를 체험함으로써 영상을보고 쉽게 경로를 따라 여행해볼수 있도록 한 서울시 홍보영상입니다 Seoul Metro Tour MISSION 30 is a show that takes you to various fun and cool destinations around Seoul With an easy map and specific details in every episode, these promotional videos are your guide to Seoul Today's destination : 광화문 서울빛초롱축제 (Gwanghwamun Seoul lantern festival) ▶Subscribe to the EBS Channel here : ▶Check out what we're up to elsewhere: -