This cat has 19 kittens in her stomach? Look how BIG stomach size is of pregnant Nebula! #cat #cute
Dear Cat Lovers, Please Support Our Efforts of Spreading Love, Care, Making you stress free & Happy by Your Generous Donations On Whatsapp No. 9167822216. You can Gpay, Phonepay, Paytm, Etc. Your Donation will be totally used for welfare of Stray and Needy Cats for feeding, Loving & rescuing them. That’s our Promise! We do street feeding daily. We keep getting different cases. All cases we cannot share with you on YouTube as we dont have proper resources yet. There are many cases like Jessica & Melissa, SonuDukuDear, Ruby’s case or Gotya’s case that we haven't shared on youtube yet. If you want to see that too, you can Stay Tuned on this Channel. About me: My name is Sagar and I am a cat lover from my childhood. I have supported many cats in their birth deliveries and taken care of many kittens till they grow up. My mission is to help as many needy cats as possible by providing them food, shelter and care they need for proper growth and survival. Our Mission: 1. To establish a foundation for cats named ‘Support for Cats Foundation’ where they can get all the facilities like vet care, food, nourishment and placing for living, etc. 2. A big land where only cats can live happily without any fear of other animals as their threats. 3. Sustainable foundation for cats and its networks all over the world. For it I need your support and donations. My daily routine Help poor cats, Help stray cats, Help Hungry cats. Plz support us by watching our complete videos and subscribing our youtube channel & By Donating. I alone cannot help all cats without your support! We upload our street feeding videos daily basis. Please Subscribe, Share & Like for more Such Videos. Thank You for watching. We love You! recorded date : 19/1/2025