PHOTOGRAPH THE MILKY WAY: Settings, gear, finding a location, processing, start to finish.

PHOTOGRAPH THE MILKY WAY: Settings, gear, finding a location, processing, start to finish.

Want to take amazing wildlife photos? Check out my new course with 20 modules and over 5 hours of content, no fluff! AND A CHANCE TO WIN A $13,000 600mm f4 LENS! https://journalofwildlifephotography.... Join me on location to photograph the milky way as I show you how to plan for and shoot a starry night photo. I'll describe how to find dark skies, find subjects to include, what settings to use, and even a quick process of the final photo in LightRoom, without needing Photoshop! The equipment I use: Follow me on: Facebook   / sdentrem   Instagram   / simon.dentremont   Website