U&W SPEECH- Gyuri Kim Human Rights: A Fundamental Necessity, Not a Privilege NLCS JEJU Y7
Human Rights: A Fundamental Necessity, Not a Privilege "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.“ These words, spoken by Martin Luther King Jr., remind us that human rights are not just anissue for some—they are an issue for all. When someone's rights are violated, it affects us all. Whether it’s the right to education, the right to speak freely, or the right to live without fear, these rights form the foundation of what it means to be human. And when these rights aretaken away from anyone, we are all diminished. Hello, my name is Audrey Kim who is attending North London Collegiate School Jeju as afreshman. Today, millions of people around the world are suffering because of their race, their religion,their gender, or their nationality. Though we may be far from their struggles, their pain isconnected to our own. And if we look away or remain silent, we fail to uphold our shared responsibility to protect human dignity and justice. Take Malala Yousafzai, for example. A young girl from Pakistan, Malala had the courage tostand up for girls’ education in a society where that was dangerous, even deadly. In 2012, shewas shot in the head by a Taliban gunman for speaking out. But Malala did not give up. She survived, and she became an even stronger voice for education, eventually becoming the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Her story shows us that fighting for education is not just about access to school—it’s about a basic human right to shape one’sfuture. Yet, there are still millions of girls around the world who are denied this very right, and Malala’s struggle is far from over. Then we turn to the Uyghur Muslims in China. For years, we’ve seen reports of the Chinese government’s systematic efforts to erase Uyghur culture, religion, and identity. Over a million Uyghurs are currently detained in so-called “re-education” camps, where they face forced labor, torture, and indoctrination. These violations of human rights are happening today, not in the distant past. And it is our duty, as global citizens, to stand up and demand accountability for these actions. Another crisis we must not overlook is the situation faced by refugees fleeing violence and persecution. Take the Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, for instance. In 2017, over 700,000 Rohingya were forced to flee their homes after a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Myanmar military. They now live in overcrowded refugee camps in Bangladesh, where they face limited access to healthcare, education, and basic safety. These people have been stripped of their basic rights—the right to live with dignity, the right to a home, and the right to belong somewhere. These are not isolated stories. Whether it's Malala fighting for education, the Uyghur Muslims enduring brutal oppression, or refugees fleeing for their lives, these are all reminders of just how fragile human rights can be. Also they remind us that we cannot be passive in the face of injustice. We have a responsibility to speak out, to support those who are fighting for their rights, and to ensure that no one is left behind. So, what can we do? First, we must raise our voices. We must advocate for those whose rights are violated, and ensure that their suffering is not ignored. Second, we must support the organisations, the activists, and the individuals who are on the frontlines of this fight. Support can be offered by donating money, amplifying their voices on social media, volunteering time or resources, advocating for policy change, and offering emotional support to sustain their well-being. Finally, we must be committed to living out the values of equality, respect, and justice in our everyday lives—challenging discrimination and prejudice wherever we find it. Human rights are not privileges—they are the foundation of a fair, just, and peaceful society. Let us be the generation that stands up for the rights of all people, no matter their background or circumstances. Let us be the generation that fights for a world where dignity and equality are not just ideals, but realities for everyone. Thank you.