Energize with TruthWave: Morning Meditation - Dec 31 2024
Twice Daily TruthWave Energy Meditation 10AM and 10PM EASTERN / 9AM and 9PM CENTRAL / 8AM and 8PM MOUNTAIN / 7AM and 7PM PACIFIC / 7AM and 7PM SEDONA Get the yoga mat: https://1truthwave.creator-spring.com/ X - https://x.com/1truthwave Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-6492251 FB - / 1truthwave TikTok - / 1truthwave Tonight's Joy Node holder: Tonight's Love Node holder: Tonight's Peace Node holder: Tonight's Mother Gaia Node holder: Tonight's Father Sky node: Tonight's Truth Node holder: To be an on air Node holder, email us: [email protected] #guidedmeditation2024 #guidedmeditation11minutes #Love #Joy #Peace #fathersky #truth #mothergaia #unitynow2024