Confession and Fraternal Correction September 22, 2024 - Sunday Sermons
Regina Angelorum Press Inc. is pleased to bring you Sunday Sermons with Father Anthony Pillari. “Confession and Fraternal Correction” September 22, 2024 – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost 1 Cor 1:4-8 Matt 9:1-8 • We think of confession as a debt to be paid. • Even more, the grace of confession is the fullness of life restored. • You come face to face with Jesus in confession. • In the state of grace, God dwells in your soul as in a palace. • We should pray after confession, allow God to enjoy the palace of our clean soul. • Primary motivation of confession should be to console Sacred Heart of Jesus. • To renew the friendship with Jesus. • When should we practice fraternal correction? Website: https://reginangelorumpress.com/ Please join us for the daily rosary at 12 noon Eastern Time, and then every hour throughout the next 24 hours. Catholics throughout the world unite in praying the Holy Rosary together. To date, Catholics from Israel, Uganda, Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the US, Canada, Mexico, Hawaii, Chile, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, India, Indonesia, and Dominica as well as other countries, have been joining in prayer. Our Lady of the Rosary Family Catechism is available at: https://olrfamilycatechism.com/ For videos on the First Saturday Devotion visit: https://reginangelorumpress.com/first... To donate to the Ave Philomena project, go to www.avephilomena.com/donate Prayer Intentions: https://reginangelorumpress.com/praye... Prayer Booklet: https://reginangelorumpress.com/prayers/ Contribute: https://reginangelorumpress.com/contr... With special thanks to Harpa Dei for permission to use their music: https://harpadei.com Hymn: “Veni Creator Spiritus” from the Ego Sum Alpha et Omega album Artwork: "Christ Appears to the Disciples on the Mountain in Galilee" by Duccio di Buoninsegna