#7 Conical Pendulum| Horizontal circular Motion Application | NEET JEE Mains CBSE Board class 11

#7 Conical Pendulum| Horizontal circular Motion Application | NEET JEE Mains CBSE Board class 11

Dear Students this is lecture 7 of CIRCULAR MOTION Chapter. In this Video i have discussed application of circular motion : Conical Pendulum, Particle attached to string and moving in Circular Path and i have solved problems based on horizontal Circular Motion. --------------------------------------------------------------- Students Keep supporting our channel --------------------------------------------------------------- Join our channel groups to know all updates : Telegram group: https://t.me/lbp_tamil Whatsapp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HgQGDly5paE... Telegram channel: https://t.me/IyarbiyalTamil ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Circular Motion Class 11: 1.Intro Circular Motion and its Types:    • #1 Kinematics of Circular Motion and ...   2. Angular Acceleration and types of acceleration:    • #2 Uniformly accelerated Circular mot...   3.Uniform Circular Motion:    • #3 Uniform Circular motion| Time Peri...   4.Linear acceleration:    • #4 Centripetal and Tangential Acceler...   5. Problems angular and Linear acceleration:    • #5 Problems Centripetal and Tangentia...   6.Centripetal and Centrifugal Force:    • #6 Centripetal and Centrifugal Force ...   7.Conical Pendulum:    • #7 Conical Pendulum| Horizontal circu...   Chapter 5 Work,energy,Power Videos: 1.Work done by constant force:    • #1 Work done by Constant Force| Work ...   2.Work done by Variable force,Area under f-x garph :    • #2 Work done by Variable force | Area...   3.Conservative and Non conservative force:    • #3 Conservative & Non Conservative fo...   4.Kinetic Energy and momentum:    • #4 Kinetic Energy and momentum || Cla...   5.Potential energy | Work done by conservative & External force:    • #5 Potential energy | Work done by co...   6.Work energy theorem:    • #6 Work energy theorem  class 11 CBSE...   7.Conservation of energy:   • #7 Conservation of Mechanical energy ...   8.Numericals Conservation of energy:    • #8 Numerical for Conservation of ener...   9.To find maximum and minimum value of a function:   • #9 To find maximum and minimum value ...   10. Equilibrium and Potential Energy:    • #10 Equilibrium and Potential Energy ...   11.Power:    • #11 Power | Average and Instantaneous...   12. Numerical Power :    • #12 Numericals Power PYQs | Average I...   13. Collision:    • #13 Collision Head On and Oblique Col...   14. Problems head on collision:   • #14 Problems Head On Collision NEET J...   15.Problems on Oblique Collision:    • #15 Problems MCQs in Oblique Collisio...   ============================================== =============================================== ✔️ Class: 11 Cbse , state board , NCERT,Samacheer ✔️ Subject: Physics ✔️ Chapter: Dynamics OF CIRCULAR MOTION ✔️ Topic Name: Application of circular motion =============================================== ========================== ---------------------------------------------------------- Join our channel Telegram group : https://t.me/lbp_tamil ---------------------------------------------------------- #conicalPendulum #horizontal #centripetalforce #centrifugal #direction #problem #pyqs #numericals #centripetalacceleration #tangentialacceleration #nonuniformmotion #angularacceleration #linearacceleration #direction #types #uniformcircularmotion #radiusvector #angularvelocity #angulardisplacement #linearvelocity #neet2024 #iyarbiyal_tamil #circularmotion #neet #jee #physics #tamil #gate #iit_jam #neet2024 #jee2024