Christmas Day Blessings! Heart of God Church SD - December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas Heart of God Family and Friends! Thank you for joining us! Message by Pastor Mark McElwee We stream every Sunday 10:30 am Here are some places to follow us!!! Website: http://www.heartofgodchurch.com/ FaceBook: / heartofgodch. . If you would like to Give, this is our info website: http://www.heartofgodchurch.com/ Text to give: 858 780-5050 Easy Tithe App: https://app.easytithe.com/app/giving/.... (Mail in address on website) Join us again next week & sign up for our email list to receive updates for what we have going on during the week! We are blessed to be a blessing! Let us Love well, as we GO and be the church that Jesus called us to be.Thank you for joining us!